Step 1

Get referred

Step 2

Contact us 440-261-0752


Step 3

Visit A Boutique

Step 4

Get Suited

Wow! Did we ever have a productive visit! Denise and Mary are absolutely fantastic and made my clients feel like princesses! They worked hard to get the right fit, color, and style for these young ladies, along with shoes and the perfect accessories. My clients really enjoyed the experience and now have many lovely clothes for interviewing!

Referring Agency

I just wanted to tell you thank you again for having me in today. The ladies were very nice and very helpful. I really appreciated everything.


How to get assistance from Suit Yourself?

If you’re seeking a job but don’t have anything appropriate to wear to an interview, getting a referral to Suit Yourself from your local social service agency can help! We provide interview outfits and professional clothing to help you feel confident meeting with potential employers — and that includes accessories such as purses, jewelry, and shoes. You deserve the chance to make a great first impression!

Agency Listing

The agencies that refer our clients include social service agencies with job training and/or job placement services, churches, educational institutions, and charitable organizations.  

Once referred, clients are contacted to schedule an appointment to select clothing for the initial job interview. After you have secured employment, a second appointment may be scheduled to select clothing for your first week on the job. Each client must have a referral for both appointments.


When you arrive at your appointment, you will be greeted by two volunteers, who will aid you in finding the right professional attire to get you through both a first and a second interview. You may even see a few more friendly faces. We currently have two dressing rooms at our main Suit Yourself boutique that allow us to assist more than one client at the same time. We generally spent at least one hour to suit each client.

Our Locations


“I remember serving a client once in a blizzard, at first thinking she would not show up due to the weather. She not only showed up, but she brought her two young children. It was around Valentine’s Day, and the client’s daughter saw our jewelry display and said, “My mommy does not have any jewelry.” Well, that changed! We carefully looked for the perfect necklace and delicately packed the heart necklace in a pretty box with a bow, and the plan was for the children to give it to their mom on Valentine’s Day. They were so pleased to be able to give their mom a present that they could not contain their excitement, and mom was given the box before they left the boutique. The look and expression on each of their faces was priceless and still brings tears to my eyes. When this sweet family left, they had to walk several blocks in the blizzard to catch the bus, but Mom brought blankets to wrap them all up in — and off they went. I often think of this family, and I am confident in saying that their situation has improved. With the determination Mom had and the help she received from not only Suit Yourself but the referring agency, she received the care she needed at the crucial time when she needed it.”

Sharan McPadden

Founding Board Member


“For most of my career, I have been working with individuals with disabilities. I enjoy empowering people to become the best they can be and assisting them in overcoming barriers to employment or to living a quality, purposeful life. Suit Yourself, Inc. has had a big piece of my heart since its beginning. I have been blessed to be part of this organization and to have developed friendships with the many women who give endlessly to provide resources to help women in need. Suit Yourself, Inc. has helped me fulfill my desire to help others. There are many lives that you touch when you work in this field, but I have to say my life has been changed forever as well. The determination, sense of pride, smiles, and success I get to experience through others’ triumphs are PRICELESS!”

Jill Oliver

Founding Board Member


“I have had so many memorable experiences from satisfied clients who truly appreciate what our organization has done for them. It’s so nice to see them happy when they leave with new items to wear — especially when many have next to nothing. Being able to provide them with a winter coat and boots is very rewarding.”

Lynn Hadesh

Board Member


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